Design is everywhere and anywhere in our society. It ranges from the web media to simple doodles on the corner of a piece of paper. Web designs are extremely popular in the career field as well as pastimes for teenagers and people who simply enjoy blogging. Websites and personal pages such as Tumblr, Twitter, Xanga, blogs, etc. all have distinct layouts where the users are allowed to design their page to their desires. There are websites that are also created to offer html codes for people to simply copy and paste onto their page to decorate so they can express their thoughts, feelings, and share their interests with other web surfers. Design is definitely all over the web world, but it is also as simple as a doodle on a piece of paper. Simple drawings in a notebook are also considered designs of one's imagination. It allows one to express themselves freely and consciously or subconsciously. Therefore, design is everywhere in society. From work-related situations to even just drawing on a piece of paper, design is expressed in many different ways with or without people realizing it. It surrounds us just as much as anything else does.