Designs of every invention is made to make life easier and more efficient for everyone. Most designs are created and expected to make things better for everyone, but there are inventions that are considered dangerous as well such as guns, knives, and even automobiles.
Knives are created to make it easier to slice and cut things into pieces. It is efficient especially for chefs and those that cook because its main purpose is to cut and slice food. Although it is used to slice food and whatnot, knives are also very dangerous. The weight of the knives are portable enough to store anywhere and easy for anyone to use because it is light. This also gives it a reason for it to be more dangerous because it is portable enough for people to carry around. It is also easier to pull out when people want to use the knives for dangerous purposes. The knife crime rates are not as high as those of other weapons, but this design plays as an easily accessible weapon that can be easily obtained. Guns and other weapons need a permit to bare weapons, but knives are household items which makes it that much easier to access to. Its easy-accessible factor makes it more dangerous because many could use the item for the wrong purposes, or even accidentally cut themselves or someone else.

The design of knives are still efficient with its special hand-held grips for comfort and easy-handling. Knives also have different shapes and sizes that gives it a different purpose for cutting different types of food items. Even with its efficiency, the design can also act as a dangerous invention.
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