Monday, November 1, 2010

Mass-Produced iPhones

One of the largest company by the name of Apple, created a huge hyped for the invention of the iPhone and iTouch. This successful design is a product that is mass-produced and demanded by many people. With their smart marketing skills, they were able to make the iPhones seem limited so people would want it more and in result, almost everyone has an iPhone, iTouch, or an iPod. The invention of the iPhone and iTouch were carefully designed and critiqued for it to reach the stages it is at today.

The designer is trying to show viewers and consumers that their designs of their product, the iPhone, especially with its appearance and efficiency. The balance of the shape of the iPhone makes it easy for everyone to handle and  the look of the screen is balanced. All the applications on the phone are programmed to look balanced for viewers with the menu button and hearing piece evenly balanced at the top and bottom of the phone. The composition of the design is simple and easy for consumers to hold and use. The screen is also large enough for any finger-size to use the product. The equilibrium of the weight and size of the phone also makes it more attractive to the customers. The design of the iPhones and iTouches are visually, physically, and technically effective to the eye of a consumer.