Objectified, a documentary film written by Gary Hustwit focused on how everything around us is designed in some way or another. The design industry, especially those that focus on the industrial designs of products are constantly improving products and modernizing them to fit the use for consumers today. This film helped me realize that everything around me did not just come up off the top of someone's head, but thoughtfully brainstormed and drawn out before finalizing the product for sale for efficiency and appearance to capture consumers' attention.

One product that stuck out to me in the film were the peelers for vegetables and fruits. The designer decided to recreate the handles for the peelers because he recalled someone complaining about the handle of the peeler being too painful to hold when using it. This scene stood out to me because I never realized that a simple gadget like a peeler would need research and careful thought placed into it so that consumers would want to purchase it for its efficiency. The peeler on the left was the peeler that was complained about, and the end result is the peeler on the far right. The appearance had to also be appealing to people as well as have a comfortable grip for people to use. It was interesting for me to see the many varieties of handles they went through before finding one that was perfect to solve the problem and make it a seller.
This documentary helped me notice that literally every thing around me has been carefully thought out before being finalized into a product. I can sit here on my bed and look around the room discovering that each item had a designer or designers envision the appearance and usefulness of the item before making it. Every single thing around us has a story behind it and are made the way they look for a reason and to simplify our lives.
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