Conversation means exchanging ideas and views through speech, visual communications, and etc. People are able to bring their perspectives across through design as well as many other techniques like speech, lyrics, and pictures.

Designs all over the world speak out loud to everyone. Images on billboards, advertisements, posters, magazines, and even the media revolve around designs to help bring the idea across. For example, to the right is an advertisement for the a fibre company called Tweeter. Using a simple subject which in this case is a pool stick and its chalk to persuade the public to "Stick With Us." They are trying to convince viewers that they should stay with being regular customers to the company as well as welcoming new consumers to be a part of their company. This advertisement had a simple slogan that was straight to the point, whereas some advertisements speak without words and still have the idea come across. On the left, there is the Playstation advertisement that brings the idea that the product is great without words, but simply the product itself. With the colors illuminating the product, it makes the product look as if it is a fantasy and dreamy. The colors were probably chose on purpose to show give the effect of a dreamy product so that people would want to purchase a beautiful item. The colorful design that wrap around the product and toward the sky somewhat shows the audience that it's not only dreamy, but it rises to the sky like it is a godly product.
Simple examples like advertisements, which are all over the world, have a way with words and illustrations that bring their purpose across without verbal speech. Conversations are not necessarily used with just speech, but with the design world, anything can speak through the eyes.
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