
As I was talking to a fellow classmate today, I stumbled across a phrase he said that inspired me to write this one blog entry. He mentioned how someone can be a great design or a bad design. I was intrigued at how he used the word design to describe a human being. It is quite true as well, because each and every person on this planet are their own person, thus their own design. The word of choice chosen was very appealing to me because I always saw the word 'design' as an item, art piece, or an idea, but never used when describing a person. Each person is made up of their own design, meaning their characteristics, personality, and appearance. They are also able to alter their personal design of themselves with the clothing they wear, accessories like hats and scarves, make-up, and even their hairdo. People are able to act and dress the way they choose which creates the many different people around the world. Appearances play a big role in the "design" of a person because it is what others first judge and see before getting to know a person. Then the personality of the person itself is another part of a design that can further help show others how they are. Different people from different parts of the world have their own way of presenting themselves with the way they dress because the design of how they are give people the first impression of how they might possibly be. First impressions do mean a lot and even though it's bad to judge a book by its cover, many tend to do so. But, each and every one person in the world have their very own unique design personality-wise and appearance-wise.
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